Get Beta Access: Galileo AI Summer '24

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Galileo AI Summer ‘24 is the next evolution of LogRocket’s AI product assistant that watches all of your customer experiences and shows you what you can do to improve your product.

  • Galileo Highlights watches user sessions and summarizes patterns, friction points and key moments
  • The Galileo Highlights API sends summaries to 3rd-party solutions to provide insights without interrupting existing workflows
  • Galileo Issues for Mobile proactively surfaces the most impactful user struggles in your native mobile apps

Learn more about Galileo AI Summer ‘24

Session summaries screenshot

Galileo Highlights

  • Summarize sessions to identify trends in user behavior
  • Link to key moments to validate insights
  • Summarize behaviors on both web and native mobile

Galileo Highlights API

  • Access Highlights summaries outside of LogRocket
  • Eliminate time spent searching for the right sessions
  • Understand behavior without interrupting existing workflows

Galileo Issues for Mobile

  • Find the most impactful areas of struggle in your mobile apps
  • Severity scores show where to invest for maximum return
  • Identify issues before they have a huge impact on users or KPIs

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